
What Should You Put in a Prenup?

A prenuptial agreement is a legal document that couples should consider before marriage. It outlines the financial and legal terms of the relationship during and after the marriage.

To ensure it is legally binding, certain elements must be included. These include marital property division, spousal support, debt division, life insurance, retirement accounts, and other financial matters. Creating a prenup is an important step for couples to protect their financial future and avoid financial issues in case of divorce.

Clarity Family Law is here to provide legal advice and assist in this process. Call us at (313) 513-1919 to schedule a free consultation with a Dearborn prenuptial lawyer.

How Does a Prenup Work?

A prenuptial agreement is a contract created by couples who plan to marry. It specifies the assets each person owns before and after the marriage, and how they should be divided in case of divorce or death.

The purpose of a premarital agreement is to prevent disputes and protect separate property, such as inheritances or business interests. It can also address spousal support and ensure provision for children from previous marriages in case of divorce.

Prenup Checklist

A prenup is an important part of any marriage, but knowing what to include in a prenup can be difficult. To help ensure that your prenup is comprehensive and properly drafted, here is a checklist of items to consider including:

Premarital Assets and Debts

Premarital assets and debts are often one of the primary topics discussed in a prenuptial agreement. Premarital property refers to any property, goods, or money that either party owned before marrying the other.

a blank prenup and money on a desk

This includes things like real estate, investments, cash, bank accounts, retirement savings accounts, family heirlooms, vehicles, and more. Debts can include student loan debt, credit cards, medical bills, and other forms of debt.

Marital or Conjugal Property

Marital or conjugal property is a legal concept that applies to marriages in many countries and states. It includes any assets, debts, or possessions acquired by married couples during the marriage, regardless of which spouse's name is on the title or deed. This means that any property acquired during the marriage legally belongs to both spouses, even if only one spouse is listed as the owner on paper.

When drafting a prenuptial agreement, it is important to consider how marital or community property will be treated in the event of a divorce. This includes property division in divorce, who will be responsible for any debts associated with the property, and if one spouse will receive spousal support from the other.

Intellectual Property

The issue of intellectual property needs to be addressed in a prenuptial agreement to ensure both parties are clear on the ownership rights of any intellectual property created during the marriage.

The purpose of including this type of clause in a prenup is to establish who will own any patents, copyrights, trademarks, and other forms of intellectual property created by either party during the marriage.

Pet Custody

When getting married, it's important to consider the possibility of divorce. A prenup can protect both parties. Pet clauses should also be discussed and included in the agreement.

Pet custody agreements are legally binding and detail ownership and care in case of separation. They should cover expenses and where the pet will live if one partner moves out.

Gifts & Heirlooms

When it comes to creating a prenuptial agreement, it's important to consider how gifts and heirlooms will be treated in the event of a divorce. A prenup can specify that any gifts or heirlooms given before or during the marriage are excluded from the marital estate and should remain with the owner in the event of a divorce.

Gifts exchanged between spouses during the marriage should also be addressed in the prenup. This can include items such as jewelry, artwork, and other valuable items. It is important to specifically list these items in the prenup so that they are not confused with marital or conjugal property.

Alimony/Spousal Support

Alimony, or spousal support, is an important issue to consider when creating a prenuptial agreement. If one person in the marriage earns more than the other, it’s important to establish how much financial support they should get if the marriage ends in divorce.

In some cases, alimony can be paid for a certain number of years after the divorce takes place; this should be specified in the prenup. The agreement should also outline financial responsibilities, who will be responsible for paying alimony, and how it will be paid.

It is important to remember that a prenuptial agreement is legally binding and can have significant implications for both parties if they choose to divorce. If you are considering entering into a prenup, it’s important to seek the advice of an experienced family lawyer to ensure that all of your rights and assets are properly protected.

Debt Protection

Debt protection is an important element to consider in a prenuptial agreement. When two partners enter into marriage, they each bring with them various debts such as student loans, car loans, and credit card debt. In the event of divorce or death, it is important to make sure that neither partner will be responsible for the other’s debt.

a prenuptial agreement draft and gavel on a desk

Through a prenuptial agreement, couples can specify which debts belong to each individual and who will be responsible for paying them in the case of a divorce or death. This type of agreement can also outline how joint debt should be handled, such as who will pay it off or how it will be divided between the two partners.

Social Media Protection

Social media can often be a source of contention in marriage. To protect both parties, couples should consider including social media protection clauses in their prenuptial agreement clause. These confidentiality clauses should comprehensively address potential issues that could arise with the use of online platforms.

It is important to agree on how each party will handle sharing personal information on social media and what type of content they are allowed to post. It is also important to agree on how each partner will handle tagging and commenting on posts and photos.

These clauses should outline any potential repercussions for violating the terms of the prenup, such as financial penalties or other punitive measures. This can help couples avoid potential conflicts that could arise from social media use during their marriage.

Call Our Prenup Agreement Attorney at Clarity Family Law

If you are considering entering into a prenup agreement with your significant other, then it's important to have an experienced prenuptial agreement lawyer to help guide you through the process. Clarity Family Law is a legal firm that focuses on family law, and our prenup agreement attorneys have extensive experience helping couples craft detailed agreements that protect their interests.

When calling our office for a consultation, be sure to provide any documents related to your financial assets, joint assets, separate assets, marital responsibilities, and estate planning that you want to be included in the prenuptial agreement.

Our Dearborn family law attorneys can review these documents and answer any questions or common misconceptions that you may have about prenuptial agreements.

Contact Clarity Law Firms' experienced legal team today for more information on how to create a strong foundation for your prenuptial agreement.

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